Fiesta primavera ’16 BBVA

Fiesta primavera ’16 BBVA Illustrations for Spring festival promotion 2016. Every year for spring time, BBVA fundation celebrate a festival in Masia Can Deu, where they do few activities for the children and they can learn few thing about farm life. Ilustraciones para la promoción de la fiesta de la primavera 2016. Cada año para… Read More

Face to face

Face to face Coal portrait 100×70. This painting was a promocional poster for a exhibition. Retrato a carbón 100×70. Este retrato fue el cartel promocional para la exposición. Share Share This Work Copy Link to Clipboard Copy Read More

Teatre de Guerrilla

Teatre de Guerrilla My first project like illustrator. I was one of illustrators that work to do a serial TV about this famous players gruop (theatre) in Catalonia called “TEATRE DE GUERRILLA”. Mi primer poryecto como ilustrador. Fuí uno de los ilustradores que participó en las ilustraciones para la serie de televisión de este famoso… Read More


Descobridors Personal project to create a Pop-up book. The topic and title was “Descobridors” and I wanted create a pop-up where appear important people in the history like Newton, Edision, Colombus or Galileo. Each character has 3 pages, the first is doble page where I present him, and two more where I could to experiment… Read More

Billboard BBVA “Can Deu”

Billboard BBVA "Can Deu" Illustration for BBVA’s Billboard in Can Deu. BBVA have a social work department, in this case, this billboard is from Sabadell where they make activities for a children and families about forset, garden and rural live. Ilustración para BBVA en Can Deu. BBVA tiene un departamente de obra social, en este… Read More